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2022-06-27 20:31:08 山本健司    


活动背景及宗旨 Introduction



Responding to the spirit of One Belt and One Road", following the trend of the times and towards the Sino-British"golden age", Chinese Classical Instruments Studio (UK) is proud to collaborate with Music at Queen Mary University of London creating the second China-UK International Music Festival from 26th Jan 2019 to 28th Jan 2019. The festival will host music competitions, concert and music workshops to promote cultural cooperation and build stronger Sino-British cultural connections. The juries and guests are all of high international reputation. The festival is proudly supported by Lord Scott, Lord Sheikh, UK Research and Development Centre for Chinese Traditional Culture(UKCTC), and Chinese Information and Advice Centre etc. It is a representative activity of Sino-British international cultural exchanges.

活动时间安排 Schedule of Activities

自2019年1月26日 - 2019年1月28日,其中:

From January 26, 2019 to January 28, 2019.

比赛项目Competition Categories

1. 声歌:民歌、美声

Vocal: Folk song, Bel Canto

2. 民乐:古琴、古筝、琵琶、二胡、扬琴、葫芦丝、竹笛、三弦、阮、打击乐等。

Chinese instrument music: Guqin, zither, pipa, erhu, dulcimer, Hulusi, flute, three-string fiddle, Ruan, percussion,etc.

3. 西乐:钢琴、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、贝司、长笛、手风琴、西洋打击乐等。

Western Music: Piano, Violin,Viola, Cello, bass, flute, accordion, percussion and so on.

4. 作曲


大师讲座 Master Lectures


Opening lecture on the integration of Chinese and Western musical culture presented by Chinese and British musicians(completion's jury). Refreshments and drinks will be served.

音乐会&颁奖典礼 Concert & Awards Ceremony


The organising committee will select from the winners and invite them to perform at the concert. The awards ceremony will take place in the concert.

评委及嘉宾 Juries&Guests

1. 伦敦玛丽女王大学音乐系主任 Paul Max Edlin 教授

Professor Paul Max Edlin, Music Director of QMUL

CUIMF Executive Chair

2.英国中华传统文化研究院院长 桂秋林女士

Ms. Sherry Kuei, President of UKCTC

CUIMF Honorary Chair

3.华人资料及咨询中心主席太平绅士 杨庆权先生

Edmond Yeo JP, President of CIAC

CUIMF Honorary Chair

4.英国皇家音乐学院钢琴教授 Nigel Clayton 教授

Professor Nigel Clayton, Piano professor of Royal College of Music

5.英国皇家音乐学院小提琴教授 Michael Foyle 教授

Professor Michael Foyle, Violin professor of Royal Academy of Music

6.英国皇家音乐学院打击乐演奏家 王贝贝女士

Ms. Wang Beibei, Percussion virtuoso of Royal Academy of Music

7.英国皇家音乐学院女高音歌唱家 武赫女士

Ms. Wu He, Soprano of Royal College of Music

8. 中央音乐学院古筝教授 吉炜教授

Professor Ji Wei, Guzheng Professor of Central Conservatory of Music, China

9.中国音乐学院长笛教授 陈兆荣教授

Professor Chen Zhao-Rong, Flute Professor of China Conservatory of Music, China


More details about CUIMF,please follow the website:>

Wechat: UKCCIS

E-MAIL:[email protected] (UK)

[email protected] (China)

Website: >







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